Going for the Screen Accurate
Building armor has become one of my passions and for sure my biggest more time consuming hobby. Since 2006 when I started this blog till today, I have learned and evolved a lot with my prop making skills. A long path this has been.
From an FX recast put together however I could, to an almost screen accurate TE2 kit, I have discovered a lot of tricks, facts, references and ideas about prop and armor making.
Just a few weeks ago, I finished my second set of white armor. And this time, contrary to that first time 4 years ago, I made it as correct as possible. Looked for the correct parts all around the world and took my time to make every little detail in the most perfect way I could.
This is my TE2 Sandtrooper armor, inspired in the Move Along trooper at the Mos Eisley blockade scene.

From an FX recast put together however I could, to an almost screen accurate TE2 kit, I have discovered a lot of tricks, facts, references and ideas about prop and armor making.
Just a few weeks ago, I finished my second set of white armor. And this time, contrary to that first time 4 years ago, I made it as correct as possible. Looked for the correct parts all around the world and took my time to make every little detail in the most perfect way I could.
This is my TE2 Sandtrooper armor, inspired in the Move Along trooper at the Mos Eisley blockade scene.
This is a great set of amor. Who is the kit from ATA?
Hey.. thx for reading.
No, this armor is TE2, from the last run he did a few years ago.
Very nice armor, specially the helmet.
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