Next step, and almost there... the legs.
I must say that this seemed to be not a big deal, but considering that my legs are slimer than the leg parts, I had to do a lot of measuring and trimming, not to mention the very difficult part of glueing it toguether.
To bigin with, I used blue masking tape (a very useful tape, cause it does not sticks permanently to the plastic) to secure the pieces in place at the front part. Then, and wearing the black underarmor pants, I measured and marked where would I cut the pieces. It was not very difficult, but deffinetly not easy.

Once trimmed, I glued the front part of the upper legs. And let them dry for 24 hours. In the mean time, I glued some velcro to the back openning of the shins. I used some crappy Velcro since I couldnt get any IS one. And also, used a crappy glue to do it. Needless to say, I had to repaste it later, using the E6000 glue.
I thought and researched about many ways to attach and wear the armor, but since I am just getting started, I wanted to test prove some systems of my own before ribeting or snap buttoning it. So, I went for foam in the inside. Enough foam to keep the pieces in place, and yet being comfortable to wear. So fo now, I think its doing a fine job. Lets see after my first trooping experince this saturday.

After glueing the back of the upper legs toguether, I just had to put the final touch t it: the leg utility belt and the knee pad. To make the utility belt piece fit correctly the circumference of the thigh, I used a hot air gun and after heating the piece, I used thge clamps to make it the proper curve.

I also glued some foam in the interior of the shins to make it more confortable and to keep it in place.
So, with the shins and thighs ready, I just needed the boots. I got them from the local market for a very reasonable price. They are not an exact replica of the ones wore on the films, but they are close enough.

Only the belt and thermal detonator left to do.
I must say that this seemed to be not a big deal, but considering that my legs are slimer than the leg parts, I had to do a lot of measuring and trimming, not to mention the very difficult part of glueing it toguether.
To bigin with, I used blue masking tape (a very useful tape, cause it does not sticks permanently to the plastic) to secure the pieces in place at the front part. Then, and wearing the black underarmor pants, I measured and marked where would I cut the pieces. It was not very difficult, but deffinetly not easy.

Once trimmed, I glued the front part of the upper legs. And let them dry for 24 hours. In the mean time, I glued some velcro to the back openning of the shins. I used some crappy Velcro since I couldnt get any IS one. And also, used a crappy glue to do it. Needless to say, I had to repaste it later, using the E6000 glue.
I thought and researched about many ways to attach and wear the armor, but since I am just getting started, I wanted to test prove some systems of my own before ribeting or snap buttoning it. So, I went for foam in the inside. Enough foam to keep the pieces in place, and yet being comfortable to wear. So fo now, I think its doing a fine job. Lets see after my first trooping experince this saturday.

After glueing the back of the upper legs toguether, I just had to put the final touch t it: the leg utility belt and the knee pad. To make the utility belt piece fit correctly the circumference of the thigh, I used a hot air gun and after heating the piece, I used thge clamps to make it the proper curve.

I also glued some foam in the interior of the shins to make it more confortable and to keep it in place.
So, with the shins and thighs ready, I just needed the boots. I got them from the local market for a very reasonable price. They are not an exact replica of the ones wore on the films, but they are close enough.

Only the belt and thermal detonator left to do.
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