Screen Accurate Backpack, now for real.
My first attempt to build a backpack was kind of shooting in all directions and none. I didnt had a clear idea of what I wanted so I just copied the easiest one to build and did it. Now, almost two years later, I want my backpack to be as screen accurate as possible.
So first I did lots of research. Then I started, slowly, to gather all the parts and even more slowly, to construct the pack.
This is what Im trying to build (this picture is from Rolf from the Mos Eisley Police Department)...

So far, I only have 3 pieces. But its a start.
The boy scout backpack frame made of PVC tubing...

The scratch build Hamburguer stacker and siphon (so far)...

And the main box for the exhaust port...

Im planning to have the pack finished by January. Lets see...
So first I did lots of research. Then I started, slowly, to gather all the parts and even more slowly, to construct the pack.
This is what Im trying to build (this picture is from Rolf from the Mos Eisley Police Department)...

So far, I only have 3 pieces. But its a start.
The boy scout backpack frame made of PVC tubing...

The scratch build Hamburguer stacker and siphon (so far)...

And the main box for the exhaust port...

Im planning to have the pack finished by January. Lets see...